Friday, January 29, 2016

Not Happily Ever After

I remember her first making the comment as we lay together, exhausted, in the afterglow of our third date.  I'd propped myself up on one elbow, turning to look over at where she lay on the dew-dampened grass.

"You know," I commented, "I think that this was the best date I've ever had."

She turned her head a little, smiling back at me.  Even in the dim moonlight, I caught the little hint of violet in her sparkling eyes.  "I knew it would be," she murmured back to me.

Her fingers reached out, lazily, their tips dragging across my bare chest.  "Might as well just write the 'happy ever after' ending now, huh?" I said, keeping my tone light.  Just a joke, I told myself.  Don't admit how hard you've already fallen for this girl.

"Happily ever after?" she repeated back, her eyebrows furrowing together slightly.  "No, this isn't happily ever after."

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Dark Matter Cretins

The coffee cup felt reassuringly heavy in his hand.  Captain Xavier Holland turned it over in his hand for a moment, admiring its simplistic lines.

Sitting forward, he wound back - and heaved the cup as hard as he could.

A direct hit.  The cup clattered against Ensign Bran's shoulder, making the man jerk and yelp.  "What the hell?" he burst out, spinning around to stare with injured eyes at his captain.

Monday, January 25, 2016

[AGttA] 2.1: Loneliness

Continued from chapter 2.0, here.
Click here to read the entire story from the beginning.

Axiom 2: Gather supplies.

Journal, it's been close to a week now.  I know this, because I found a calendar covered in cute little pictures of kitties, and I've been crossing off the days on it.  Six crossed off days means that it's been almost a week.

I'm not sure what I'll do when I run past the end of December.  I don't think they're printing more calendars any longer.

Also, have I mentioned how much I hate eating beans?

Friday, January 22, 2016

Side Effects May Include Superpowers

The CEO struggled to suppress his yawn as he listened to his Chief Financial Officer drone on.  Sure, the man was a wizard at making numbers jump through hoops - and vanish, when they weren't exactly necessary to keep around - but good God, his presentation skills were terrible.

The CEO surreptitiously glanced down at his watch, a $45,000 Piaget for which he'd spent six months on a waiting list.  Either he paid all that money for a knockoff, or else the Financial Officer was literally making time itself slow down out of sheer boredom.

"Okay, well, it sounds like that's going well," he spoke up, slapping his hand on the conference table and cutting off the Financial Officer mid-sentence.  "Let's hear from someone else, shall we?"

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Through the Mirror

I glanced back behind me even as I slowed my pace.  I'd lost them - for now.  I could hear their footsteps, however, not stopping.

They'd keep on searching for me until they found me.  I needed to disappear.

The inside of the clothing shop felt strange with the lights turned off.  Mannequins loomed suddenly out of the darkness, their hands stretched out as though reaching for me.  I dodged around them, forcing my mouth shut and trying not to let any sound escape my lips.

There, in the back!  I hurried towards the doorway leading into the rear of the shop, below the sign that read CHANGING ROOMS.

As I ran past the counter, however, a corner of my jacket caught at a hook, extending out from the edge.  I felt the tug, turned to try and catch the falling item - but my fingers were too slow.

Monday, January 18, 2016

[AGttA] 2.0: Supplies

Continued from chapter 1.2, here.

Axiom 2: Gather supplies.

Well, journal, it's two days later, and I'm feeling a little better about my situation.

Should I be calling you a journal?  What's the difference between a journal and a diary?  Ooh, I know, I'll look it up with my brand new DICTIONARY, right here!

Let's see...

Okay.  A journal is "a daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary."  Hmm.

Journal, maybe I'm going a little crazy from lack of human interaction, but at least my situation seems fairly good aside from that little issue.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Near Disaster

"Madam President!  We need to get you into the bunker?"

The large, burly member of the Secret Service detail couldn't help but roll his eyes when Madam Elaine Clifton, the President of the United States - and arguably the most powerful person in the world - finally appeared around the corner.  She looked somewhat out of breath already, and she clutched a large, struggling orange tomcat in her arms.

"Sorry, sorry," President Clifton panted, trying to adjust her grip on the wriggling animal so that he couldn't slip out of her determined grasp.  "Little Georgie-kins here just didn't want to come out from underneath the couch!"

Another eye roll.  Kane, the Secret Service member, offered up a brief but fervent thank-you to whoever decided to include tinted sunglasses in the uniform design for the President's guards.  Were it not for those shades blocking his eyes, he would have been fired long ago.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Tree in the Cave

Biology is a curious thing.  How does a seed, a tiny little cluster of cells with no eyes or brain or neurons or central control, know which way to grow?

The answer comes down to gravity, and light.

Monday, January 11, 2016

[AGttA] 1.2: Coffee!

Continued from chapter 1.1, here.

Axiom 1: Remain calm.

I'd done it!  That's right, journal readers, whoever you may be - I managed to reach the Starbucks!

And even better?  The place was unlocked!

As I walked in through the front doors, I almost felt normal, at least for a second or two.  There was no Apocalypse, no end of the world happening outside these doors.  No, I was just strolling into my favorite coffee shop chain, here to pick up a boost of caffeine and brewed beans before heading back to work.

And for a moment, as I closed my eyes, I even smelled that classic scent of just slightly too burned coffee beans, the scent reminiscent of Starbucks everywhere.

But then I opened my eyes, and reality came crashing back in.

Friday, January 8, 2016

From the ice

I could spot the thing from the air as the little ship swung overhead, dropping like a stone amid the swirling, blowing snow.  I clutched the armrests of my seat tightly and tried to ignore the flip-flopping of my stomach.

Instead, I kept my eyes glued to the window, trying to assemble the glances of the creature into a coherent picture.  Not the biggest we'd found, but decently sized.  Probably a young male, I guessed,  They tended to push the hardest north, looking for new spawning spots to claim.

This one must have not noticed the falling temperature until the ice closed in, trapping him.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

He didn't know why she died.

"Oh... Shit."

I stared at the body, my eyes frantically searching for some sign of movement.  "Come on, come on," I murmured to myself, needing to see some tiny little sign of life.  Was the chest rising and falling?  A little twitch of a leg, I prayed.  That's all I needed.

Behind me, I heard footsteps, the eager, quick little footsteps of a child.  Shit.  Timothy was coming down the stairs.

Monday, January 4, 2016

[AGttA] Chapter 1.1: Shelter

Continued from Chapter 1.0, here.

Axiom 1: Remain calm.

When I next opened my eyes, it took me a moment to remember why I was waking up in the back of an unmarked passenger van.  But as I lay back on the thin, scratchy carpet, I felt the wave of memories come rushing back to me.

The explosion at the mall.  The sound of people dying.  The angel, majestic and deadly, hovering in the center of the destruction.  That Furby's wide eyes before it exploded into shards of half-melted plastic.

I briefly wondered whether I might be able to find a Starbucks that still had some coffee.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Missing Brains: 2016 Edition

New Year's Goals

That's right, it's the new year!  2016, baby!  And there's going to be some changes around Missing Brains (here).


First off, scheduling.  Missing Brains, the blog, is sticking with a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule.  Three posts a week!

However, since I beat the 52 book challenge last year, I'm going to be doing something different with the Monday posts.  Instead of providing a book summary each week along with my thoughts, I'll be keeping to the following schedule:

Monday: I'm going to be telling a serial story, called The Amateur's Guide to the Apocalypse, in segments.  I'll post a new segment, about a thousand words per update, every Monday.  Hopefully, the story will end at exactly 52,000 words.

Wednesday: Wednesday will be a short story, with a theme focusing on real life.

Friday: Friday will also have a short story update, but Friday's theme will focus on the fantastic, science fiction or fantasy themed.

Other improvements

Twitter: Missing Brains is going to have a twitter handle!  Of course, it won't be @MissingBrains, since that's my personal handle - but maybe I'll make @MissingBrainsBlog into a channel.  I'll hopefully attract a larger audience through Twitter.

RSS: I don't really know how RSS works, but I'm going to try and use it.

New Website Design: In the works, probably not coming for a while.

Patreon: This is a new thing - when I'm not writing, I'm a graduate student.  Notably, neither graduate students nor writers make much money.  That's why I'm going to see about setting up a Patreon, so that readers (you) can fund writers (me!), to help me afford to keep on writing!  I've never set one of these up before, so we'll see how it works out.

The future

Can I keep this up?  Will my well of inspiration run dry?  We'll find out - together!