Monday, August 3, 2015

Book 30 of 52: "The Republic of Thieves" by Scott Lynch

Author's note: I'm writing this entry in mid-June.  I'm quite a few books ahead on my challenge!

I've already written about my experiences with the first two books in Scott Lynch's Gentleman Bastards series: The Lies of Locke Lamora and Red Seas Under Red Skies.  After reading those two, well, I was hooked!  I actually got "The Republic of Thieves" as an ebook, so that I could read it on my MacBook Air late at night.

The first book in Scott Lynch's series featured Locke and Jean in the city of Camorr, pulling heists.  The second book sent the intrepid and squabbling duo out to sea, where they played at pirates.  Now, in this third book, the two dive into the deepest and dirtiest world of all: politics!
But what could two thieves possibly contribute to a profession where everyone is already a lying bag of sleaze?  As it turns out, in the city of Karthain, home of the magi (who are complete and total bastards, by the way), an election is held every five years.  The magi cannot directly participate in this election, but they each pick a side, and choose a champion to represent their side.  Locke and Jean are the champion for one side!

But who's the champion for the other?  It turns out that the opposing party is being run by none other than Sabetha, a long-absent Gentleman Bastard (Gentleman Bitch?) who, as well as knowing all of Locke and Jean's tricks, also happens to be Locke's first and only love!

The book is about half in the present and half flashbacks, as we see how Locke and Sabetha's relationship first developed.  I would definitely say that the stakes in this book were lower, given as how we know that everyone survives the flashback episodes, as they are around in the present.  Still, there were plenty of light-hearted moments in this book that made it a great read.

Can't wait for the next one!

Time to read: probably about 8-9 hours.  It's a little slower in ebook, because I'm not used to digital pages.

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