Friday, July 31, 2015

Wish Upon A Star

Lying back in the grass, I watched as the star streaked down, a trail of light against the dark sky.

"Make a wish," I murmured to myself, even though no one else was around to hear.  

Just great, I thought to myself with a twinge of amusement.  I had come all the way out here, to the almost literal middle of nowhere, to get away from everyone else.  And now, on my first night out, here I was, already talking to myself.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Danni California, Part 23

Continued from Part 22, here.
Start the story here.

* * *

When I arrived in the Iron Range, finally reaching my destination, obtaining the supplies I needed proved to be surprisingly easy.

Gunpowder and dynamite both were in no short supply, and in these areas, a little extra money could ensure no questions about the purchase.  I still made certain to buy from several different vendors, not allowing any of them to know the true amounts of explosive I obtained, but the extra caution didn't seem necessary.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Book 29 of 52: "Red Seas Under Red Skies" by Scott Lynch

I've already written about Scott Lynch's first book, "The Lies of Locke Lamora," but after learning that there was a sequel, I first put in a reservation request at my local library... and then, unable to wait, went out to Barnes & Noble and bought the book immediately.  There is still a benefit to brick and mortar bookstores!

The first book in the Gentleman Bastards series, "The Lies of Locke Lamora," took place in Camorr, the massive city where the thieves run thick as, well, thieves.  At the end of the book, however, most of Locke's posse is dead, the city is in disarray, and Locke and his companion, Jean, decide that it would perhaps be best for them to seek their fortunes elsewhere.

Friday, July 24, 2015

A culinary ode to Sir Terry Pratchett: Meat Pie Floaters!

An avid reader of the late, great Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels should recognize the term "meat pie floater."  This culinary delicacy (that is, something so disgusting that none of the locals will eat it) comes from the mysterious continent of FourEcks, which certainly isn't modeled after Australia at all.

Here's the description from the book:

"It looked, in fact, like-
"Pea soup?" he asked.
"The leguminous vegetable?  Comes in pods?"
"I thought I'd better check that point."
"No worries."
Rincewind looked down at the knobbly green surface.  Was it just possible that someone had invented a regional specialty you could eat?
And then something rose out of the depths.  For a moment Rincewind thought it was a very small shark.  It bobbed to the surface and then settled back down, while the soup slopped over it.
"What was that?"
"Meat pie floater," said the warder.  "Meat pie floating in pea soup.  Best bloody supper on earth, mate."

Mmm.  Sounds absolutely delicious, doesn't it?  Well, I thought so.  So I set out to make one!


For the meat pie floater:
  • Phyllo dough
  • Ground beef
  • Mincemeat
  • Spices; I went with seasoned salt and some pepper.
  • Olive oil
For the soup:
  • Peas, frozen or fresh.  I went with canned.  At least 4-5 cups' worth
  • Other various vegetables.  I tossed in some white onion, garlic, and green bell pepper.
  • Chicken stock, four cups' worth.
  • Not pictured: Sriracha.  That soup needs a kick!
  • Also not pictured: heavy cream.  Half & half works too.  It cuts the heat of the soup.

Instructions - the floater!

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (205 degrees Celsius).
  2. I started by dicing up about a quarter of a package of mincemeat and threw it in a large saucepan on the stove, along with some water.  I mashed it up with a spatula to break up the larger chunks.
  3. Next up: ground beef.  Throw it into the same saucepan and cook it until browned.
  4. Taste and season until you can taste salt as well as sweet.  Mincemeat is mighty sweet so it may take a good bit of salt.
  5. Take it off the stove and let it cool once the meat is cooked. 
  6. Next, roll out your phyllo dough.  This stuff comes in a whole bunch of thin layers and is fragile stuff, so be careful.
  7. Cut the dough into squares, four or five inches on a side.  They don't need to be perfect.
  8. Brush the corners of each square with olive oil, put a spoonful of the cooled meat mixture in the middle, and then fold the dough up around the meat to make a little package.  Use more olive oil to seal it shut.  It will probably take 3-4 layers of dough per floater to keep things from breaking apart.
  9. Place the folded little floaters on a nonstick baking sheet and brush them with some more olive oil.
  10. Put them in the oven for ~15 minutes.

Instructions - the soup!

  1. Grab a pot.  A big one.  Should hold at least six quarts.
  2. Add your peas, four cups of chicken stock, and all your diced vegetables.  There should be just enough liquid to cover all the vegetables.
  3. Throw in a squirt of Sriracha.
  4. Bring this all up to a boil, and boil for about a minute or so.
  5. Turn off the heat.
  6. Carefully, use a stick blender to blend the whole soup up until it's fairly smooth.  This shouldn't take long.  Watch for splatters!
  7. Once the soup is blended, add a 1/2 cup of heavy cream (or half & half).  Stir this in.
  8. Taste the soup and decide how much more Sriracha it needs for some heat.  Add it.

Serve it!

Place a couple meat pie bites in a bowl, cover them with soup, and watch as they rise up to the surface!  They're actually super tasty - the sweetness of the meat pie helps cut the heat of the soup.  Add a little dollop of tomato sauce on top if you want the true authentic FourEcks Dibbler Experience.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Danni California, Part 22

Continued from Part 21, here.
Start the story here.

* * *

For just a moment, as the air turned to fire around me and violently threw me back, all I saw was blinding light.

An instant later, I hit the ground, the violent blow knocking the air from my lungs and splaying out my limbs.  My brain was already racing, however, and I scrabbled like a spider to get up.

Once back on my feet, however, my hand dropped away from my side, away from where it had rested on the butt of my revolver.

There was nothing left for me to fight.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Book 28 of 52: "The Martian" by Andy Weir

Surprisingly enough, this book was recommended to me - by someone who doesn't usually read science fiction!  That's either a really good sign, or a really bad one, and until I actually crack open the book, there's no way to know for sure.

As it turns out, as a very proud and self-professed geek, The Martian, by Andy Weir, is an amazing book.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Climbing the Tower, Part III

Continued from Part II.
Start reading at Part I.

For a moment, he just looked up at the young woman standing above him, offering her hand.  He couldn't hold back from asking.

"Are you real?"

She just shrugged.  "Are you?" she replied.

There was no way of her knowing, he realized.  Even if she was a projection of his mind, she would act this way.  He was too suspicious to get any answers, even from himself.

He took the proffered hand, and she hauled him up to his feet.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Danni California, Part 21

Continued from Part 20, here.
Start the story here.

* * *

The next morning, both Jenny and Old Hillpaw kept their eyes glued to the door.  Each time it opened, they both turned and looked, wondering if the man in black was even going to show up and finish his story.

A little later that morning, however, the man in black came in, making no fuss and heading over to his usual table.  Both the waitress and the old man at the bar managed to hold back for several seconds before they headed over.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Book 27 of 52: "The Lies of Locke Lamora" by Scott Lynch

I picked this book off of a recommendation from the website Imgur, and man, it was a great choice!

Locke Lamora began his life in the city of Camorr as a street urchin, barely even qualifying as a thief, but found himself adopted and trained by a master manipulator and schemer.  The man soon rose to become a prominent thief who, although only somewhat adequate in public, privately masquerades as the Thorn of Camorr, the only thief daring to steal from nobility!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Climbing the Tower, Part II

Link to Part I.

He sprinted across the room, his eyes dodging down to his feet to watch for obstacles, and then back up to make sure he didn't collide with any of the gauzy hangings that broke up the room.

Those wall hangings separated the large room into many smaller booths.  From the other side of the curtains, he could catch little flashes of movement, the gestures soft and alluring and feminine.  Faint voices called out to him, beckoning and tempting.  He couldn't make out any specific words, but the meaning behind those calls was clear.

He knew that if he stopped, he couldn't resume.  This would be as far as he made it inside the Tower.

It wasn't enough.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Danni California, Part 20

Continued from Part 19, here.
Start the story here.

* * *

The first step in my plan, as I explained to Danni on our first night back in civilization since the train crash, was getting our hands on supplies.

"We can't just go around buying up everything and showing our faces," I explained as I rubbed stable dirt into the creases on my face, checking my reflection in the silvered glass piece in the hotel room.  "We have to assume that the Organization knows that I'm with you, and they'll be watching for either of us - or, even worse, both of us together."

The hotel that we had chosen was slightly nicer than the average, and I'd circled carefully through the town streets before I decided that it was acceptable.  The building was tall but didn't stand next to any comparable adjacent structures, preventing infiltration.  The manager and staff were paid well enough to ensure the privacy of their visitors, but not so well that they wouldn't accept a bribe to make sure they kept their mouths shut.

Against the Priests, however, I didn't know how much good that bribe would do.  When a man's got a gun to his head and he can feel the last few seconds of his life trickling away, money tends to not matter too much to him any longer.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Book 26 of 52: "Top Secret 21" by Janet Evanovich

Sometimes, I can't believe a few facts about Janet Evanovich:

1. This woman has written over twenty books starring a single character, and in all of those books, that main character still has not advanced significantly in any of her personal relationships.
2. Somehow, this woman is able to write a two hundred and fifty page book that feels like it's all fluff and can be read through in an afternoon.
3. They're all bestsellers.
4. I have read all of them...

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Danni California, Part 19

Continued from Part 18, here.
Start the story here.

* * *

At the latest revelation from the man in black, Jenny let out a gasp, her eyes going wide and looking as though she was about to topple off her chair.

"You shot another Priest?" she exclaimed, her voice loud enough to make another couple patrons glance around.

Old Hillpaw, perhaps possessing a bit more self-preservation instinct than the young waitress, hurriedly shushed the woman.  "Keep your voice down, girl!" he hissed.  "That kind of talk still gets folks into hot water!"